As a member of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association, you will be allocated Capital Credits, or patronage capital each year that our revenues exceed expenses. Your Capital Credit amount is based on your electricity purchases in relation to the total electricity purchased by all members during that fiscal year. Cooperatives are different from municipal or investor-owned utilities.  You elect your fellow members to the Board of Directors, which oversees the operation of the cooperative and as a member, you share in the "profits" of the business, or patronage capital.  These funds are returned to members typically on an annual basis as the Cooperative's financial condition permits.  Maintaining patronage capital allows your cooperative to make necessary improvements and operate while keeping borrowing to a minimum and helps stabilize future rates.

Capital Credit Affidavit - Individual

Form must be completed in full or will delay processing.  

Businesses must contact the office for an affidavit.

2022 Unclaimed Member Credits List

Every year, IECA is unable to return member credits to some of our members because of a bad address on file or the member simply did not cash the check. If you were a member of IECA and believe you're missing credits, check the list. If your name is on the list, give us a call so we can determine if you have capital credits waiting for you.




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