The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held Friday, May 24, 2024, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos, and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations/Right of Way Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Member Relations/Economic Development Tony Floyd, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, and Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: approved 29 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; recertified Angela L. Mallery as the voting delegate and Doug Lane as the alternate for the NCSC and CFC Annual Meetings and approved Angela L. Mallery’s attendance of the meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana; re-elected Samuel S. Auxier as the AMEC State Board Member and Annual Meeting Voting Delegate and Doug Lane as the Alternate State Board Member and Alternate Annual Meeting Voting Delegate; approved membership to the Missouri State Fair Foundation; and set the date for the Foundation Annual Meeting.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during May were: The Associated Electric Annual Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier, Doyle E. Bradford, Matthew A. Duncan, Doug Lane, and Charles M. Manier; the District V meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; and the Sho-Me Power Annual meeting and the AECI Update meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier, Doyle E. Bradford, Matthew A. Duncan, Tom Fleener, Doug Lane, Angela L. Mallery, Charles M. Manier, and James R. Swindell.


May Statistics


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held Friday, April 19, 2024, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Director of Operations Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly and Director of Safety/Loss Control and Facilities Alan Quick.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: approved 27 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; approved the 2023 financial audit. approved the patronage capital allocation for 2023; approved 219s and Special Equipment summaries; recognized completion of annual training relating to the Language Access Plan; and approved attendance of the 2024 NRECA Legal Seminar by Tom Fleener.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during April were: The AMEC Board meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; the NRECA Directors’ Conference attended by Doyle E. Bradford; the AECI Legislative Fish Fry attended by Doug Lane; the NRECA Legislative Conference attended by Tom Fleener and Charles M. Manier; and the Sho-Me Board meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane.


April Statistics




The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held on Friday, March 22, 2024, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, James R. Swindell, Tom Fleener, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos, and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations/Right of Way Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Economic Development/Member Relations Tony Floyd, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly, and Director of Safety and Loss Control/Facilities Alan Quick.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: Recognized Directors Charles M. Manier and Regina Zervos for completion of their Credentialed Cooperative Director certificate and also recognized Alan Quick for completion of his Certified Loss Control Professional certificate; approved 52 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; appointed the Nominating Committee members; designated Matthew A. Duncan as the Sho-Me Power voting delegate and Doug Lane as alternate; and approved establishing a CoBank line of credit.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during March were: NRECA Annual Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; AMEC Spring Managers’ Conference attended by Doug Lane; the MECIP and Line Superintendents’ conference attended by Doug Lane; and the Sho-Me Board Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane.




March Statistics



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held February 23, 2024, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, James R. Swindell, Tom Fleener, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos, and Angela L. Mallery. The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations/Right of Way Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Economic Development/Member Relations Tony Floyd, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Internet Technology Michael Weakly, and Director of Safety/Loss Control Alan Quick. Director Samuel S. Auxier attended via teleconference.


In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: Approved distribution of Sharing Success funds to 19 local school backpack programs; approved 86 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; approved a budget adjustment relating to the replacement of large bucket truck #57; approved the sale of four surplus vehicles through sealed bid or online auction; appointed five election tellers for the 2024 Annual Meeting; recognized completion and receipt of the 2021/2022 IECA Pension Audit from The Whitlock Co.; set an April 1, 2024 deadline for submission of director candidate applications for review by the Nominating Committee; and set a May 15, 2024 deadline for submission of director candidates nominated by petition.


Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during February were: The Audit/Finance Committee meeting attended by Tom Fleener, Angela L. Mallery, Doyle E. Bradford, and Matthew A. Duncan; the AMEC State Legislative Conference attended by Samuel S. Auxier, Doyle E. Bradford, Matthew A. Duncan, Angela L. Mallery, and Doug Lane; the AMEC Board Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; the Sho-Me Board Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane; and the District V meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier.



February Statistics



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held January 26, 2024, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos, and Angela L. Mallery. The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Economic Development/Member Relations Tony Floyd, Director of Communications Heather Satterfield, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Internet Technology Michael Weakly, and Director of Safety/Loss Control Alan Quick.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: approved establishing an Emergency Line of Credit with the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation; approved 92 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; set the Nominating Committee date for Wednesday, April 11, 2024; approved the expenditures associated with the Auxiliary dinner meeting to be held Thursday, April 11, 2024; approved Doyle E. Bradford ‘s attendance of the NRECA Directors’ Conference in Nashville, TN in April 2024; approved Tom Fleener, Charles M. Manier, and James R. Swindell to attend the NRECA Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. in April 2024; approved the all employee training day to be held in October 2024; and approved the employee Christmas party to be held in December 2024.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during January were:  the Sho-Me Board Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane; and the District V Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier.


January Statistics


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held Friday, December 22, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos, and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations/Right of Way Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Member Relations/Economic Development Tony Floyd, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly and Director of Safety/Loss Control Alan Quick.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: approved the Projected Budget, Fee Schedule, and Rebate Program for Fiscal Year 2024; approved 12 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; recognized the NRECA Compensation Study Results; certified Angela L. Mallery as the NRTC voting delegate and Doug Lane as the alternate; and approved the 2024 contribution to AMECPAC.

A special meeting board meeting was held Friday, December 15, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith. Directors Regina Zervos and Angela L. Mallery attended via teleconference. The special board meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Director of Operations/Right of Way Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Member Relations/Economic Development Tony Floyd, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly and Director of Safety/Loss Control Alan Quick. During the special meeting, directors reviewed the proposed 2024 budget.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during December were: The AMEC Board Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; and the Sho-Me Board Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane.


December Statistics



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held November 17, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Gina Zervos and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Loss Control/Right of Way Alan Quick, Director of Operations Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Member Relations/Economic Development Tony Floyd, Director of HR Amy Smith, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, and Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors:  

Approved 4 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; approved conducting a special board meeting to discuss the 2024 budget; approved the 2024-2027 Construction Work Plan; approved Samuel S. Auxier, James R. Swindell and Doug Lane to attend the 2024 NRECA PowerXchange; certified Doug Lane as the NRECA Voting Delegate and Samuel S. Auxier as the alternate; and approved banking documents.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during November include: The AECI Fall Managers’ Meeting attended by Doug Lane; the Sho-Me Board Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane; the District V Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier; and NRECA Directors’ Training courses attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Michael H. Smith.

November Statistics


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held October 27, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Gina Zervos and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Senior Director of Member Relations/Economic Development Tony Floyd, Director of Member Services Karen McNew, Director of Communications Heather Kidwell, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Safety/Loss Control & Right of Way Alan Quick and Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors:

Approved insurance updates for the 2024 plan year; approved participation in the Cooperative Family Fund; approved 13 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; approved retirement of capital credits; and approved CEO Doug Lane’s attendance of the 2024 NRECA Close-Up Conference.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during October were: The District V meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; the AMEC board meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; the AMEC Annual meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, and Doug Lane; Legislative Fish Fry attended by Matthew A. Duncan, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, and Doug Lane; Sho-Me board Retreat attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane; the Sho-Me board meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane.

October Statistics



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held Friday, September 22, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Director of Member Services Karen McNew, Director of Communications Heather Satterfield, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, and Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: 

Heard a presentation by Guernsey Consultants outlining the 2023 Cost of Service Study results; approved insurance renewal rates for 2024 with providers to remain the same; approved 21 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; approved Work Order Summaries for the first two quarters of 2023; appointed James R. Swindell as the CFC voting delegate and Angela L. Mallery as the alternate for the October 2023 CFC District Meeting; and approved attendance of Directors’ Winter School by Doyle E. Bradford, Matthew A. Duncan, Angela L. Mallery, Charles M. Manier, James R. Swindell, and Regina Zervos.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during September were: the AMEC Executive Committee Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier; AMEC Managers Conference attended by Doug Lane; and Insurance Committee Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan, Tom Fleener, Charles M. Manier, Samuel S. Auxier, and Doug Lane.

September Statistics



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held Friday, August 25, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Gina Zervos, and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Director of Operations Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Director of Member Services Karen McNew, Director of Communications Heather Satterfield, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly, and Director of Safety and Loss Control/Right of Way Alan Quick.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors:

Accepted staff recommendations regarding the 2023 Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 Standards for Demand-Response Practices and Electric Vehicle Charging Programs as presented; adopted the Rules for Conducting Proceedings for the 2023 PURPA Public Hearing process; approved 57 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; approved the repurposing of funds previously allocated for purchasing a small bucket truck to a small truck with a dump bed; Updated CoBank authorized signers.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during the month of August were: AMEC Board Meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; AMEC Regulatory Compliance Committee Meeting attended by Doug Lane; the Sho-Me Board Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane; the Intercounty Charitable and Educational Foundation Annual Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Gina Zervos, Angela L. Mallery, and Doug Lane; and the Intercounty Charitable and Educational Foundation Board Meeting attended by Doug Lane.


August Statistics



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held Friday, July 28, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos, and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, Attorney Christiaan D. Horton, Director of Operations Billy Cordsmeyer, Director of Engineering Dalton Clayton, Director of Accounting and Finance Sarah Akers, Director of Member Services Karen McNew, Director of Communications Heather Satterfield, Director of Human Resources Amy Smith, Director of Information Technology Michael Weakly and Director of Safety/Loss Control and Right of Way Alan Quick.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors:

Approved 83 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; Appointed Samuel S. Auxier as the voting delegate and Doug Lane as the alternate for the August 2, 2023 NRECA Director election; Reviewed Policy #106 relating to Director Duties and Standards of Conduct; approved closing offices for All Employee training day October 30; and set the 2024 Annual Meeting date for Friday, June 28, 2024.

Other meetings attended by the Directors and Chief Executive Officer during the month of July were: the AMEC Executive Committee meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier; the AMEC Directors’ Conference attended by Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, and Samuel S. Auxier; NRECA Summer School West attended by Doyle E. Bradford; the District V meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier; the NRECA Legal Seminar attended by Tom Fleener; the Sho-Me board meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane; and IECA Strategic Planning attended by Samuel S. Auxier, Doyle E. Bradford, Matthew A. Duncan, Tom Fleener, Doug Lane, Angela L. Mallery, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, James R. Swindell, and Regina Zervos.


July Statistics




The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held June 16, 2023, with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos and Angela L. Mallery.

The meeting was also attended by Chief Executive Officer Doug Lane, Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner, and Attorney Christiaan D. Horton.

In addition to regular business the Board of Directors: approved 14 capital credit assignments to their designated assignees; approved updates to Policy #103; approved the quarterly pension plan payment; approved directors Doyle E. Bradford and James R. Swindell to attend the Region 8 Meeting; and approved a resolution to consider adoption of standards addressing the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act regarding Demand-Response practices and Electric Vehicle Charging Programs.

The re-organizational meeting of the Board of Directors of Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association was held June 23, 2023 with the following directors in attendance: Matthew A. Duncan, Regina Zervos, Tom Fleener, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Samuel S. Auxier, Michael H. Smith, James R. Swindell and Angela L. Mallery.  The meeting was also attended by Attorney Christiaan D. Horton and Assistant Secretary Jill Stoner.

During the re-organizational meeting the Board of Directors elected Matthew A. Duncan as President, Samuel S. Auxier as Vice President, Tom Fleener as Secretary-Treasurer, and Jill Stoner as Assistant Secretary.

Other meetings attended by the Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and Attorney during June were: the AMEC Board meeting attended by Samuel S. Auxier and Doug Lane; Director Summer School East attended by Angela L. Mallery and Regina Zervos; the IECA Annual Meeting attended by Matthew A. Duncan, Samuel S. Auxier, Tom Fleener, James R. Swindell, Doyle E. Bradford, Charles M. Manier, Michael H. Smith, Regina Zervos, Angela L. Mallery, Doug Lane and Attorney Horton; and two Sho-Me Board meetings attended by Matthew A. Duncan and Doug Lane.

June Statistics