In the mid-1930's, almost all rural homes were without electric service.  This was a time when the farmer milked his cows by hand in the the dim light, and his wife was a slave to the wood range and washboard.  The utility companies in the city didn't feel that is was necessary to provide electricity to rural areas.  The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) and the rural electric cooperatives proved how mistaken those utility companies were. 

The first official action of the federal government to provide electricity to all was when the Tennessee Valley Act was passed in May of 1933.  This act authorized the Tennessee Valley Authority Board to construct lines to serve "farms and small villages that are not otherwise supplied with electricity at reasonable rates." 

The idea of providing federal assistance to accomplish electrification in the rural areas became very popular when President Roosevelt took office in 1933 and began his "New Deal" Programs.  On May 11, 1935, Roosevelt signed the Executive Order No. 7037 establishing the REA.  However, it wasn't until a year later that the administration was passed and put into action.

Within four years, the number of electric systems in rural areas doubled, the number of consumers connected more than tripled!  By 1953, more than 90% of U.S. farms had electricity.  Today about 99% of the nation's farms have electric service.

Intercounty Electric Cooperative came about as a result of the Rural Electrification Act and was formed and incorporated on December 12, 1936. Nine rural residents became the Board of Directors: Roy W. Wall, F.W. Carney, Dr. Leslie Randall, Luther Johnson, J.J. Bowles, H.W. Lenox, F.J. Ryan, O.A. Johnson and R.W. Day.

In April of 1938, IECA energized its first electric line. As of 2019, IECA serves over 24,000 members, over 30,000 connected meters, 5,604 miles of energized lines serving part of 10 counties.

Intercounty Electric Cooperative welcomes the opportunity to provide you, the member-consumer, with electric service. IECA is a not for profit, rural electric cooperative owned by its members. We would like to provide you with answers to questions you may have about IECA.  


Intercounty Electric provides electricity to residential, farm, and commercial consumers in Dent, Phelps and Texas counties and parts of Crawford, Gasconade, Laclede, Maries, Pulaski, Shannon and Wright counties.

Each IECA member with at least one electric service is a voting member in the business affairs of the Cooperative, subject to the provisions of the Bylaws. The members of IECA meet annually at the Annual Membership Meeting to transact business and to elect Directors whose term of office has expired. Nine Directors serve for three year terms. The Board of Directors establishes operating policies and exercises all powers of the Cooperative except those powers reserved to the members, or delegated to the CEO.



Meters Served


Counties Served


Miles of Line